
"The Last Supper" by Carl Heirich Bloch
Collect (Opening Prayer)
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Sacratíssimam, Deus, frequentántibus Cenam, in qua Unigénitus tuus, morit se traditúrus, novum in saécula sacrifícium dilectionísque suæ convívium Ecclésiæ commendávit, da nobis, quaésumus, ut ex tanto mystério plenitúdinem caritátis hauriámus et vitæ.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.
My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, by frequenting this Most Holy Supper, in Which Your only-Begotten Son, about to hand Himself over to death, forever commended to the Church this new Sacrifice and Banquet of His love, grant us, we beseech You, that from so great a Mystery we may derive the fullness of charity and of life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Prayer Over the Gifts
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Concéde nobis, quaésumus, Dómine, hæc digne frequentáre mystéria, quia, quóties huius hóstiæ commemorátio celebrátur, opus nostræ redemptiónis exercétur.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
My Own Literal Translation
Grant us, we beseech You, O Lord, to frequent these Mysteries worthily, for, as often as the commemoration of this Sacrifice is celebrated, the work of our redemption is carried out.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface I of the Most Holy Eucharist
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Qui, verus æternúsque Sacérdos, formam sacrifícii perénnis instítuens, hóstiam tibi se primus óbtulit salutárem, et nos, in sui memóriam, præcépit offérre. Cuius carnem pro nobis immolátam dum súmimus, roborámur, et fusum pro nobis sánguinem dum potámus, ablúimur.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...
My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God: through Christ our Lord.
Who, as true and eternal Priest, instituting the form of the perennial Sacrifice, offered Himself up to You as a Victim for our salvation, and instructed us to offer It in memory of Him. When we receive His Flesh Which He sacrificed for us, we are strengthened, and when we drink His Blood which He poured out for us, we are cleansed.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and the Dominations, and with all the host of the Heavenly army, we sing the hymn of Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...
Roman Canon Changes
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et diem sacratíssimum celebrántes, quo Dóminus noster Iesus Christus pro nobis est tráditus, sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi:...
My Own Literal Translation
In communion with, and celebrating that most holy day, in which our Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed for us, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the glorious ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ:...
Hanc ígitur...
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Hanc ígitur oblatiónem servitútis nostræ, sed et cunctæ famíliæ tuæ, quam tibi offérimus ob diem, in qua Dóminus noster Iesus Christus trádididt discípulis suis Córporis et Sánguinis sui mystéria celebránda, quaésumus, Dómine, ut placátus accípias: diésque nostros in tua pace dispónas, atque ab ætérna damnatióne nos éripi et in electórum tuórum iúbeas grege numerári.
My Own Literal Translation
Therefore we beseech You, O Lord, graciously to receive this offering of our service, and of all Your family, which we offer to You on this day, in which our Lord Jesus Christ gave to His disciples His own Body and Blood by celebrating this Mystery; order our days in your peace, command that we be rescued from eternal damnation, and numbered among the flock of Your elect.
Post-Communion Prayer
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Concéde nobis, omnípotens Deus, ut, sicut Cena Fílii tui refícimur temporáli, ita satiári mereámur ætérna.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Grant us, we beseech You, Almighty God, that, as we have partaken of this temporal Supper of Your Son, so may we be made worthy to be filled by the Eternal Banquet.
Through Christ our Lord.
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