Saturday, September 23, 2006

Office Antiphons - 25th Sunday Per Annum

Vespers I (Evening Prayer I)Magníficat Antiphon Year B
Si quis vult primus esse, erit ómnium novíssimus et ómnium miníster.
(If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and servant of all.)

Lauds (Morning Prayer)
Canticle of Zacharia Year B
Quicúmque me suscéperit, non me súscipit, sed eum qui me misit.
(Whoever receives Me, receives not me, but Him Who sent Me.)

Vespers II (Evening Prayer II)
Magnificat Antiphon Year B
Quisquis unum ex huiúsmodi púeris recéperit in nómine meo, me récipit.
(Whosoever shall receive one child such as this in My Name, receives Me)

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