Saturday, September 16, 2006

Office Antiphons - 24th Sunday Per Annum

Vespers I (Evening Prayer I)
Magníficat Antiphon Year B
Vos quem me esse dícitis? Respóndens Petrus ait Iesu: Tu es Christus, allelúia.
(But whom do you say that I am? Peter responded to Jesus: You are the Christ, alleluia.)

Lauds (Morning Prayer)
Canticle of Zecharia Year B
Opórtet Fílium hóminis pati multa, et reprobári a senióribus, et occídi, et post tres dies resúrgere.
(It is necessary that the Son of Man suffer greatly, and be rejected by the elders, and be killed, and after three days rise again.)

Vespers II (Evening Prayer II)
Magnificat Antiphon Year B
Qui perdíderit ánimam suam propter me et evangélium salvam fáciet eam, dicit Dóminus.
(Whoever loses his life because of Me and the Gospel, will save it, says the Lord.)

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