Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

"Regina Angelorum" by William Bouguereau

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui salútis ætérnæ, beátæ Maríæ virginitáte fecúnda, humáno géneri praémia præstitísti, † tríbue, quaésumus, ut ipsam pro nobis intercédere sentiámus, per quam merúimus Fílium tuum auctórem vitæ suscípere.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
et us pray. God our Father, may we always profit by the prayers of the Virgin Mother Mary, for you bring us life and salvation through Jesus Christ her Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary, You have brought forth to mankind the reward of eternal salvation, grant, we beseech You, that we may perceive her intercession for us, through whom we merited to receive the Author of Life, Your Son.
Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Deus, qui bona cuncta ínchoas benígnus et pérficis, da nobis, de sollemnitáte sanctæ Dei Genetrícis lætántibus, sicut de inítiis tuæ grátiæ gloriámur ita de perfectióne gaudére.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
God our Father, we celebrate at this season the beginning of our salvation. On this feast of Mary, the Mother of God, we ask that our salvation will be brought to its fulfillment.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
O God, You Who kindly begin all good things and bring them to completion, grant to us, rejoicing because of this Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God, that just as we glory in the beginning of Your grace we also rejoice in its perfection.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of the B.V.M. - on the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Et te in Maternitáte beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis collaudáre, benedícere et prædicáre. Quæ et Unigénitum tuum Sancti Spíritus obumbratióne concépit, et, virginitátis glória permanénte, lumen ætérnum mundo effúndit, Iesum Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Per quem maiestátem tuam laudant Angeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Cæli cælorúmque Virtútes, ac beáta Séraphim, sócia exsultatióne concélebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admítti iúbeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessióne dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks as we celebrate the motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, she became the virgin mother of your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is for ever the light of the world.
Through him the choirs of angles and all the powers of heaven praise and worship your glory.
May our voices blend with theirs as we join in their unending hymn:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
And that we should praise, bless, and extol You for the Motherhood of Blessed Mary, ever-Virgin. Who both conceived Your Only-begotten Son by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, and, preserving the glory of her Virginity, brought forth to the world the Eternal Light, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through Whom the Angels praise, the Dominations adore, and the Angelic Powers tremble at Your Majesty. The Hosts of the Heavens and the blessed Seraphim celebrate in united exultation. And we beg You that You may be pleased to unite our voices with theirs, in humble confession saying:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Change in the Roman Canon for Christmas Day (and during the Octave)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et diem sacratíssimum quo beátæ Maríæ intemeráta virgínitas huic mundo édidit Salvatórem: sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis eiúsdem gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis eiúsdem Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
In union with the whole Church we celebrate that day when Mary without loss of her virginity gave the world its savior. We honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God ...

My Own Literal Translation
In union, we celebrate that most holy day, on which the blessed Mary without loss of her virginity, brought forth the Savior of the world, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the same glorious, ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Súmpsimus, Dómine læti sacraménta cæléstia: † præsta quaésumus, ut ad vitam nobis profíciant sempitérnam, qui beátam semper Vírginem Maríam Fílii tui Genetrícem et Ecclésiæ Matrem profitéri gloriámur.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, we proclaim the Virgin Mary to be the mother of Christ and the mother of the Church, may our communion with her Son bring us to salvation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O Lord, having received this Heavenly Sacrament of joy: grant we beseech You, that It may assist us unto life everlasting, whereby we glory to proclaim the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary, the Mother of Your Son and Mother of the Church.
Through Christ our Lord.


3, 2, 1 ... 1 ... Happy New Year

Can't wait another second for 2009 to get here? Well, you'll have to. Yes, add an extra 1 to your countdown this year. The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service is adding an extra second to the year due to the Earth's revolution around the Sun not being exactly a year. It's the organization that monitors the difference in the two timescales and calls for leap seconds to be inserted or removed when necessary.

Basically it's like a leap second.

Full article here:

This year will be just a second longer
'Leap second' is tacked on to clocks every so often to keep them correct


Monday, December 29, 2008

Saint Thomas Becket

In honor of the feast of Saint Thomas Becket, I thought I'd post the powerful excommunication scene from the movie "Becket"


What was the pope saying?

A friend of mine noticed that at a papal Mass the pope ends the Mass differently (than just the "The Lord be with you," "and also with you." "May almighty God bless you ...") and asked me what he was saying.

I'm not sure exactly what Mass she saw, so I'm not sure if there was anything different at that Mass. However, bishops have a slightly different ending "part."

Usually it goes like this:

Bishop: Dominus vobiscum (The Lord be with you)
People: Et cum spiritu tuo (and with your spirit)
Bishop: Sit nomen Domini benedictum (May the Name of the Lord be blessed)
People: Ex hoc nunc et usque in saculum (both now and forever)
Bishop: Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini (Our help is in the Name of the Lord)
People: Qui fecit caelum et terram (Who made Heaven and earth)
Bishop: Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. (May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit).
People: Amen.

* I believe that abbots may have the same priviledge to use this formula too.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tomb of Saint Stephen and Saint Lawrence

I know I'm a day late, but I did want to post these.

My last trip to Rome, I finally made it out to the Basilica of Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls. Father Benedict's uncle is a Deacon and he was at the ordination. So, since I wanted to go to Saint Lawrence, I was able to take the Deacon there with me. After trying to walk the distance from Termini, the main train station in Rome, and then getting lost, and then coming upon some big student protest, we decided to take a taxi the rest of the way.

We finally made it to the church.

Both Saint Stephen and Saint Lawrence are buried here.

Their tomb is under the main altar in the confessio.

If you go behind the altar and tabernacle in the confessio you can see their tomb.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - Feast of the Holy Family

"The Holy Family" by Sisto Badaloccio

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui præclára nobis sanctæ Famíliæ dignátus es exémpla præbére, concéde propítius, ut, domésticis virtútibus caritatísque vínculis illam sectántes, in lætítia domus tuæ praémiis fruámur ætérnis.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, help us to live as the holy family, united in respect and love. Bring us to the joy and peace of your eternal home.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray O God, You Who willed to hold up for us the noble example of the Holy Family, graciously grant, that, following them in the domestic virtues and bonds of charity, we may delight in the eternal rewards of Your house in joy.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Hóstiam tibi placatiónis offérimus, Dómine, supplíciter deprecántes, ut, Deíparæ Vírginis beatíque Ioseph interveniénte suffrágio, famílias nostras in tua grátia fírmiter et pace constítuas.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, accept this sacrifice and through the prayers of Mary, the virgin Mother of God, and of her husband, Joseph, unite our families in peace and love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
We offer to You this pleasing Victim, O Lord, humbly begging, that, by the intercessory support of the God-bearing Virgin and Blessed Joseph, You might establish our families firmly in Your grace and peace.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of the Nativity of the Lord: Of Christ the Light

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Quia per incarnáti Verbi mystérium nova mentis nostræ óculis lux tuæ claritátis infúlsit: ut, dum visibíliter Deum cognóscimus, per hunc in invisibílium amórem rapiámur.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the wonder of the incarnation your eternal Word has brought to the eyes of faith a new and radiant vision of your glory. In him we see our God made visible and so are caught up in love of the God we cannot see.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
Because through the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word the new light of Your glory shined upon the eyes of our souls: so that, while we know God visibly, through Him we may be drawn to a love of things invisible.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and the Dominations, and with all the hosts of the Heavenly army, we sing the hymn to Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Change in the Roman Canon for Christmas Day (and during the Octave)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et diem sacratíssimum quo beátæ Maríæ intemeráta virgínitas huic mundo édidit Salvatórem: sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis eiúsdem gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis eiúsdem Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
In union with the whole Church we celebrate that day when Mary without loss of her virginity gave the world its savior. We honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God ...

My Own Literal Translation
In union, we celebrate that most holy day, on which the blessed Mary without loss of her virginity, brought forth the Savior of the world, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the same glorious, ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Quos cæléstibus réficis sacraméntis, fac, clementíssime Pater, sanctæ Famíliæ exémpla iúgiter imitári, ut, post ærúmnas saéculi, eius consórtium consequámur ætérnum.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Eternal Father, we want to live as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, in peace with you and one another. May this communion strengthen us to face the troubles of life.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O most loving Father, make us, whom You refresh with these Heavenly Sacraments, to imitate the example of the Holy Family, so that, after the hardships of this world, we may attain His eternal fellowship.
Through Christ our Lord.


Comparison of Prayers - Christmas Mass During the Day

"The Nativity" by Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui humánæ substántiæ dignitátem et mirabíliter condidísti, et mirabílius reformásti, † da, quaésumus, nobis eius divinitátis esse consórtes, qui humanitátis nostræ fíeri dignátus est párticeps.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Lord God, we praise you for creating man, and still more for restoring him in Christ. Your Son shared our weakness: may we share his glory,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, You Who both wonderfully created the dignity of man’s substance and more wonderfully restored it, grant, to us, we beseech You, to be sharers in His Divinity, Who deemed it worthy to be made a partaker of our humanity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Oblátio tibi sit, Dómine, hodiérnæ sollemnitátis accépta, qua et nostræ reconciliatiónis procéssit perfécta placátio, et divíni cultus nobis est índita plenitúdo.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Almighty God, the saving work of Christ made our peace with you. May our offering today renew that peace within us and give you perfect praise.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
May the Offering of today’s Solemnity be acceptable to You, O Lord, Which is both the perfect placation to advance our reconciliation, and having been given to us is the fullness of the divine worship.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of the Nativity of the Lord: Of Christ the Light

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Quia per incarnáti Verbi mystérium nova mentis nostræ óculis lux tuæ claritátis infúlsit: ut, dum visibíliter Deum cognóscimus, per hunc in invisibílium amórem rapiámur.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the wonder of the incarnation your eternal Word has brought to the eyes of faith a new and radiant vision of your glory. In him we see our God made visible and so are caught up in love of the God we cannot see.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
Because through the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word the new light of Your glory shined upon the eyes of our souls: so that, while we know God visibly, through Him we may be drawn to a love of things invisible.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and the Dominations, and with all the hosts of the Heavenly army, we sing the hymn to Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Change in the Roman Canon for Christmas Day (and during the Octave)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et diem sacratíssimum quo beátæ Maríæ intemeráta virgínitas huic mundo édidit Salvatórem: sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis eiúsdem gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis eiúsdem Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
In union with the whole Church we celebrate that day when Mary without loss of her virginity gave the world its savior. We honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God ...

My Own Literal Translation
In union, we celebrate that most holy day, on which the blessed Mary without loss of her virginity, brought forth the Savior of the world, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the same glorious, ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Præsta, miséricors Deus, ut natus hódie Salvátor mundi, † sicut divínæ nobis generatiónis est auctor, ita et immortalitátis sit ipse largítor.
Qui vivit et regnat in saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, the child born today is the Savior of the world. He made us your children. May he welcome us into your kingdom
where he lives and reigns with you for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Grant, O Merciful God, that the Savior of the world having been born today, as He is the Author of divine generation for us, may He also be the Bestower of immortality.
He Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Comparison of Prayers - Christmas Midnight Mass

"The Nativity" by Jacob de Backer

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui hanc sacratíssimam noctem veri lúminis fecísti illustratióne claréscere, † da, quaésumus, ut cuius in terra mystéria lucis agnóvimus, eius quoque gáudiis perfruámur in cælo.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, you make this holy night radiant with the splendor of Jesus Christ our light. We welcome him as Lord, the true light of the world. Bring us to eternal joy in the kingdom of heaven,
where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, You Who have made this most holy night to make clear the manifestation of Your True Light, grant, we beseech You, that as we have known the Mystery of His Light on earth, we may also fully enjoy His joys in Heaven.
He Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Grata tibi sit, Dómine, quaésumus, hodiérnæ festivitátis oblátio, ut, per hæc sacrosáncta commércia, in illíus inveniámur forma, in quo tecum est nostra substántia.
Qui vivit et regnat in saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, accept our gifts on this joyful feast of our salvation. By our communion with God made man, may we become more like him who joins our lives to yours,
for he lives for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
May the offering of today’s Feast be pleasing to You, O Lord, that, through this sanctifying Exchange, we may be found conformed to Him, in Whom our substance is united with You.
He Who lives and reigns forever and ever.

Preface I of the Nativity of the Lord: Of Christ the Light

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Quia per incarnáti Verbi mystérium nova mentis nostræ óculis lux tuæ claritátis infúlsit: ut, dum visibíliter Deum cognóscimus, per hunc in invisibílium amórem rapiámur.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the wonder of the incarnation your eternal Word has brought to the eyes of faith a new and radiant vision of your glory. In him we see our God made visible and so are caught up in love of the God we cannot see.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
Because through the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word the new light of Your glory shined upon the eyes of our souls: so that, while we know God visibly, through Him we may be drawn to a love of things invisible.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and the Dominations, and with all the hosts of the Heavenly army, we sing the hymn to Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Change in the Roman Canon for Christmas Eve

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et noctem sacratíssimam qua beátæ Maríæ intemeráta virgínitas huic mundo édidit Salvatórem: sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis eiúsdem gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis eiúsdem Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
In union with the whole Church we celebrate that night when Mary without loss of her virginity gave the world its savior. We honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God ...

My Own Literal Translation
In union, we celebrate that most holy night, on which the blessed Mary without loss of her virginity, brought forth the Savior of the world, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the same glorious, ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Da nobis, quaésumus, Dómine Deus noster, † ut, qui Nativitátem Redemptóris nostri frequentáre gaudémus, dignis conversatiónibus ad eius mereámur perveníre consórtium.
Qui vivit et regnat in saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. God our Father, we rejoice in the birth of our Savior. May we share his life completely by living as he taught.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Grant to us, we beseech You, O Lord our God, that, we, who rejoice to observe the Birth of our Redeemer, may merit by a worthy way of life, to come to fellowship with Him.
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - Christmas Vigil

"Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah" by Michelangelo

"Perez, Hezron, and Ram" by Michelangelo

I'm using these pictures again this year because it's hard to find a picture appropriate for this Gospel.
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac. And Isaac begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Judas and his brethren. And Judas begot Phares and Zara of Thamar. And Phares begot Esron. And Esron begot Aram. And Aram begot Aminadab. And Aminadab begot Naasson. And Naasson begot Salmon. And Salmon begot Booz of Rahab. And Booz begot Obed of Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse. And Jesse begot David the king. And David the king begot Solomon, of her that had been the wife of Urias. And Solomon begot Roboam. And Roboam begot Abia. And Abia begot Asa. And Asa begot Josaphat. And Josaphat begot Joram. And Joram begot Ozias. And Ozias begot Joatham. And Joatham begot Achaz. And Achaz begot Ezechias. And Ezechias begot Manasses. And Manesses begot Amon. And Amon begot Josias. And Josias begot Jechonias and his brethren in the transmigration of Babylon. And after the transmigration of Babylon, Jechonias begot Salathiel. And Salathiel begot Zorobabel. And Zorobabel begot Abiud. And Abiud begot Eliacim. And Eliacim begot Azor. And Azor begot Sadoc. And Sadoc begot Achim. And Achim begot Eliud. And Eliud begot Eleazar. And Eleazar begot Mathan. And Mathan begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. So all the generations, from Abraham to David, are fourteen generations. And from David to the transmigration of Babylon, are fourteen generations: and from the transmigration of Babylon to Christ are fourteen generations. Now the generation of Christ was in this wise. When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy Ghost. Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately. But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus. For he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke by the prophet, saying: Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. And Joseph rising up from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and took unto him his wife. And he knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.
- from Douay Rheims Bible Online

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui nos redemptiónis nostræ ánnua exspectatióne lætíficas, præsta, ut Unigénitum tuum, quem læti suscípimus Redemptórem, veniéntem quoque Iúdicem secúri vidére mereámur Dóminum nostrum, Iesum Christum.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat, in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. God our Father, every year we rejoice as we look forward to this feast of our salvation. May we welcome Christ as our Redeemer, and meet him with confidence when he comes to be our judge,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, You Who gladden us with the annual expectation of our redemption, grant, that we, who now joyfully receive Your Only-begotten Son as our Redeemer, may also without fear be made worthy to see Him coming as our Judge, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Tanto nos, Dómine, quaésumus, promptióre servítio hæc præcúrre concéde sollémnia, quanto in his constáre princípium nostræ redemptiónis osténdis.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, as we keep tonight the vigil of Christmas, may we celebrate this eucharist with greater joy than ever since it marks the beginning of our redemption.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Grant us, we beseech You, O Lord, to anticipate this solemnity by so great a more willing servitude, as you manifest Yourself on this solemnity to establish the beginning of our redemption.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of the Nativity of the Lord: Of Christ the Light

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Quia per incarnáti Verbi mystérium nova mentis nostræ óculis lux tuæ claritátis infúlsit: ut, dum visibíliter Deum cognóscimus, per hunc in invisibílium amórem rapiámur.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In the wonder of the incarnation your eternal Word has brought to the eyes of faith a new and radiant vision of your glory. In him we see our God made visible and so are caught up in love of the God we cannot see.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
Because through the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word the new light of Your glory shined upon the eyes of our souls: so that, while we know God visibly, through Him we may be drawn to a love of things invisible.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and the Dominations, and with all the hosts of the Heavenly army, we sing the hymn to Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Change in the Roman Canon for Christmas Eve

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Communicántes, et noctem sacratíssimam qua beátæ Maríæ intemeráta virgínitas huic mundo édidit Salvatórem: sed et memóriam venerántes, in primis eiúsdem gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis eiúsdem Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
In union with the whole Church we celebrate that night when Mary without loss of her virginity gave the world its savior. We honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God ...

My Own Literal Translation
In union, we celebrate that most holy night, on which the blessed Mary without loss of her virginity, brought forth the Savior of the world, and reverently remembering, in the first place, the same glorious, ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Da nobis, quaésumus, Dómine, Unigéniti Fílii tui recensíta nativitáte vegetári, cuius cælésti mystério páscimur et potámur.
Qui vivit et regnat in saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, we ask you to give us a new birth as we celebrate the beginning of your Son’s life on earth. Strengthen us in spirit as we take your food and drink.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Grant us, we beseech You, O Lord, to be animated by the celebration of the birth of Your Only-begotten Son, by Whose heavenly Mystery we are fed and given drink.
He Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fratres, sobrii estote et vigilate

"Quaerens Quem Devoret" by Jean Leon Gerome

"Fratres: Sóbrii estóte, et vigiláte: quia adversárius vester diábolus, tamquam leo rúgiens círcuit, quaerens quem dévoret: cui resístite fortes in fide." - I Peter 5: 8-9

I often repeat this verse to myself in a time like this. I don't know what is going on, but the devil seems to really be active of late. It seems like all sorts of you-know-what is hitting the fan in things going on around me. So, the above verse helps me to keep things in perspective and to not let my guard down.

I guess the devil is really getting wound up before this Christmas. In this case the old saying of "it's always darkest before the light" is spiritually true too. So, stay vigilant, friends.

(Brethren, stay sober and alert, your adversary the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour, resist him being strong in your faith.) - I Peter 5: 8-9


Friday, December 19, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - 4th Sunday of Advent

"The Annunciation" by Caravaggio

"And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end. And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: Because no word shall be impossible with God. And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."
- from: Douay-Rheims Bible Online

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Grátiam tuam, quaésumus, Dómine, méntibus nostri infúnde, ut qui, Angelo nuntiánte, Christi Fílii tui incarnatiónem cognóvimus, per passiónem eius et crucem ad resurrectiónis glóriam perducámur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Lord, fill our hearts with your love, and as you revealed to us by an angel the coming of your Son as man, so lead us through his suffering and death to the glory of his resurrection,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your grace into our hearts, so that we, who learned of the Incarnation of Christ Your Son, by means of the Angel’s announcing, may by His Passion and Cross be led to the glory of the Resurrection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Altári tuo, Dómine, superpósita múnera Spíritus ille sanctíficet, qui beátæ Maríæ víscera sua virtúte replévit.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, may the power of the Spirit, which sanctified Mary the mother of your Son, make holy the gifts we have placed upon this altar.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
O Lord, may that Spirit, Who filled the womb of blessed Mary with His power, sanctify these gifts placed upon Your altar.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface II of Advent: On the twofold expectation of Christ

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Quem prædixérunt cunctórum præcónia prophetárum, Virgo Mater ineffábili dilectióne sustínuit, Ioánnes cécinit affutúrum et adésse monstrávit. Qui suæ nativitátis mystérium tríbuit nos præveníre gaudéntes, ut et in oratióne pervígiles et in suis invéniat láudibus exsultántes.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
His future coming was proclaimed by all the prophets. The virgin mother bore him in her womb with love beyond all telling. John the Baptist was his herald and made him known when at last he came. In his love Christ has filled us with joy as we prepare to celebrate his birth, so that when he comes he may find us watching in prayer, our hearts filled with wonder and praise.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God: through Christ our Lord.
Whom the proclamations of all the Prophets foretold, the Virgin Mother bore Him with ineffable love, John prophesied His coming and pointed Him out when He came. He Who has granted us to joyfully anticipate the Mystery of His birth, so that He may find us both vigilant in prayer and exulting in His praise.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and Dominations, and with all the host of the Heavenly Army, we sing the hymn of Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Sumpto pígnore redemptiónis ætérnæ, quaésumus, omnípotens Deus, ut quanto magis dies salutíferæ festivitátis accédit, tanto devótius proficiámus ad Fílii tui digne nativitátis mystérium celebrándum.
Qui vivit et regnat in saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Lord, in this sacrament we receive the promise of salvation; as Christmas draws near make us grow in faith and love to celebrate the coming of Christ our Savior,
who is Lord for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Having obtained this Pledge of eternal redemption, we beseech You, Almighty God, that as the day of the saving feast day approaches, we may so much more devoutly make progress in worthily celebrating the Mystery of the birth of Your Son.
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Reality of Santa Claus

Did you know that Santa Claus is a physicist? Well, a scientist at North Carolina State University has shown the science behind the seemingly impossible task of Santa delivering presents to all the children of the world in one night.

Santa does it with advanced technology such as:

- exploiting relativity (for 1 night delivery)

- nanotechnology (for actually "growing" the presents)

- genetic engineering (flying reindeer)

- high level communications antenna (knowing who's naughty or nice)

Article here:

Technology helps Santa make magic, scientist says.

And very low res interview broken up into 4 parts (quicktime format):

1) What is Dr. Silverberg's theory on Santa?

2) How does Santa get around the world in one night?

3) Time moves differently for Santa

4) Other researchers have come to different answers than you


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Favorite Christmas Song

Time for some levity.

A classic. It pretty much sums up all the things I hate about the commercialization and secularization of Christmas.

The Twelve Pains of Christmas by Bob Rivers. Well done homemade video too.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - 3rd Sunday of Advent

Gaudete Sunday

"John the Baptist" by Titian

“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the Light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the Light, but was to give testimony of the Light. And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to him, to ask him: 'Who art thou?' And he confessed, and did not deny: and he confessed: 'I am not the Christ.' And they asked him: 'What then? Art thou Elias?' And he said: 'I am not.' 'Art thou the prophet?' And he answered: 'No.' They said therefore unto him: 'Who art thou, that we may give an answer to them that sent us? What sayest thou of thyself?' He said: 'I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaias.' And they that were sent, were of the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said to him: 'Why then dost thou baptize, if thou be not Christ, nor Elias, nor the prophet?' John answered them, saying: 'I baptize with water; but there hath stood One in the midst of you, Whom you know not. The same is He that shall come after me, Who is preferred before me: the latchet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose.' These things were done in Bethania, beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.”

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui cónspicis pópulum tuum nativitátis domínicæ festivitátem fidéliter exspectáre, præsta, quaésumus, ut valeámus ad tantæ salútis gáudia perveníre, et ea votis sollémnibus álacri semper lætítia celebráre.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Lord God, may we, your people, who look forward to the birthday of Christ experience the joy of salvation and celebrate that feast with love and thanksgiving.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, You Who look attentively upon Your people faithfully awaiting the feast day of the birth of the Lord, grant, we beseech You, that we may be worthy to attain to the joys of so great a salvation, and to celebrate them always with eager joy through these solemn offerings.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Devotiónis nostræ tibi, Dómine, quaésumus, hóstia iúgiter immolétur, quæ et sacri péragat institúta mystérii et salutáre tuum nobis poténter operétur.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, may the gift we offer in faith and love be a continual sacrifice in your honor and truly become our eucharist and our salvation.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
May this Sacrifice of our devotion, we beseech You, O Lord, be continually offered to You, that It may both accomplish the purpose of this Sacred Mystery and powerfully work in us Your salvation.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of Advent: On the two comings of Christ

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Qui, primo advéntu in humilitáte carnis assúmptæ, dispositiónis antíquæ munus implévit, nobísque salútis perpétuæ trámitem reserávit: ut, cum secúndo vénerit in suæ glória maiestátis, manifésto demum múnere capiámus, quod vigilántes nunc audémus expectáre promíssum.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When he humbled himself to come among us as a man, he fulfilled the plan you formed long ago and opened for us the way to salvation. Now we watch for the day, hoping that the salvation promised us will be ours when Christ our Lord will come again in his glory.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God: through Christ our Lord.
Who, in His first coming in the lowliness of assumed flesh, fulfilled the work of Your ancient arrangement, and opened to us the path to eternal salvation: so that, when He will come again in the Glory of His Majesty, we may then indeed openly take hold of that gift, a promise which we now dare to await with vigilance.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and Dominations, and with all the host of the Heavenly Army, we sing the hymn of Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Tuam, Dómine, cleméntiam
implorámus, ut hæc divína subsídia, a vítiis expiátos, ad festa ventúra nos praéparent.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. God of mercy, may this eucharist bring us your divine help, free us from our sins, and prepare us for the birthday of our Savior,
who is Lord for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. We beg of Your merciful love, O Lord, that this Divine Assistance, by atoning for our offenses, may prepare us for the coming Feast day.
Through Christ our Lord.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Church issues bioethical document.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued a bioethical document addressing many of the current problems and trends in our present times.

It addresses things like:

- Embryonic and adult stem cell research

- Contraception, especially oral contraceptives

- Receiving vaccines which were derived from aborted fetuses

- In vitro fertilization and test tube babies.

- Frozen embryos.

- Gene therapy

- Human cloning

The document can be found here:

Dignitatis Personae (The Dignity of a Person) at the USCCB website. (document in pdf format)

A VERY important document for our times. President-elect Obama needs to read this if he's as open minded as he says he is.

It's also Providential to find the document on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is the patroness of the unborn and who helped convert a nation which practiced human sacrifice. Maybe this document can be a help in converting our own nation of the Untied States from it's human sacrifice of abortion and euthanasia.

Our Lady of Guadlupe, ora pro nobis!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pope Saint Damasus I

Today is the feast of Pope Saint Damasus I. Although he is not very well known, he did have great influence upon the Church. He was the one who commissioned Saint Jerome to translate the Bible which resulted in the Vulgate translation of the Bible. He also decreed the canon of the New Testament, ie what books officially make up the New Testament.

He is buried in Rome in the church of San Lorenzo in Damaso. I was able to visit him my last time in Rome. It is not an easy place to find. I walked past it once before I found it. The outside isn't really that "churchy". The name of the church comes from the fact that it is believed that the pope himself founded this church on his own home and dedicated it to Saint Lawrence.

However, the inside is simple (well for a church in Rome), but beautiful. It's also nice and quiet.

He is buried under the altar here.

And when I got there, I noticed there is another Saint buried there as well.

Saint Eutychius, Martyr. Unfortunately, I can't really find any information about him. I think he is the Saint Eutychius whose feast is on February 4th.

Pope Saint Damasus I and Saint Eutychius, orate pro nobis.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Lady of Loreto

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto.

Loreto is a town in upper-mideast Italy which has the Holy House where the Angel Gabriel visited Mary on the Annunciation. Obviously, the house was originally in Nazareth. Legend says that the House was carried by Angels one night, and brought to Loreto. Although embellished, it is based on historical fact. Back during the Crusades, many Western Christians were bringing back relics from the Holy Land to rescue them from the Muslims. Sometimes for pious reasons and sometimes for more worldly reasons.

Anyway, the Angeli family (brought by "Angels") helped to bring the Holy House to Italy in Loreto and a basilica was built around it.

I was very blessed to be able to go there on my last trip to Italy back this October.

If you go there today, you have to go up on top of the large hill where the city is. At the top you'll come to a large fortress structure.

Then going through the gate, you'll see the basilica.

Then in the middle of the basilica is the Holy House. You can't see the outside of the house because it is covered in marble with reliefs.

I wasn't able to get a picture of the inside since they were strict about pictures and there were A LOT of people praying in there, so I didn't want to disturb them. So here's a picture I pulled off the web.

Fr. Benedict was able to say his 2nd Mass here in Latin, which I was blessed to serve. It really struck me when we processed in, as right behind the altar in gold letters you see:


And to think that Father Benedict was about to bring that about again at the Consecration as he said the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It was a very profound experience.

There's also a custom in the mountain towns which I find rather humorous. In Norcia, and I believe other mountain towns in Italy, on the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, they build these huge bonfires in the piazzas of the town.

Bonfire in the Piazza di San Lorenzo in Norcia on the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, 2001

This commemorates the legend of when the Angels carried the Holy House through the night to Loreto, and the Italians will light bonfires in the mountian towns to "guide" the Angels to Loreto so they don't bump into the mountains. I don't know why, but I find it humorous.

Anyway, today is a great opportunity to meditate upon the Annunciation and the fact that God became man. For a good meditation, here's an excellent homily by Fr. Angelo Geiger, FFI:

Homily on the Immaculate Conception

"The Annunciation" by Philippe Champaigne


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Religious persecution and the rise of communism

Although there is a lot in the gloom and doom crowd who are fearing the complete supression of religion under Obama, I think we have to realize that we here in the United States are VERY blessed with religious freedom to the degree in which we have it. But in spite of what happens, I think all Catholics and other Christians need to ask ourselves: if religious persecution does happen, are we willing to stand up and sacrifice ourselves for the Truth? I think many of us fear increases in religious persecution because it might mean we would have to do something and put ourselves in the way of danger and stand up for our beliefs and convitions ... and really look at ourselves and see if we really believe our beliefs and are convicted about our convictions.

It reminds me of a friend of mine who was born in Cuba and was a small boy when the communist revolution there happened. He said that Catholics who had been going to daily Mass for years were suddenly persecuting the Church and handing over priests to be arrested. He ended up fleeing Cuba with his mother. I can tell you, the popularity of the Che Guevara icon and the pro-Cuba leanings of many in the entertainment industry drives him nuts.

Fr. Tim Finigan at The Hermeneutic of Continuity posted this video from the Don Camillo series in Italy, which should be a reminder that religious persecution has been pretty recent.

And communism is still a player in Italian politics. I took this photo in October of 2008 just outside of Norcia, Italy:

And, sadly, the Democratic party has been sliding down the path to socialism and communism as well, esepecially under Barak Obama. It's a slippery slope, and once a country falls under it's spell, it is hard to let it go. As momentous as the fall of communism was in the Soviet Union, there is a growing number of people in Russia who want communism back. People had become so dependant on the government, that they are willing to throw away liberties to have programs spoon fed to them by the government again.

Hopefully, our country can wake up from its morbid fascination with socialism and move back to freedom and responsibility.


Monday, December 08, 2008

Plenary Indulgence for those Consecrated to Mary

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, O.F.M.Conv.

There is a plenary indulgence for those who are the enrolled in Militia Immaculata (Knights of the Immaculata) and renew their Consecration to Mary according to Saint Maximilian Kolbe on December 8th (or are making their consecration on Dec 8th). The other usual requirements for a plenary indulgence apply:

“23. 1. Besides the exclusion of all attachment to sin, even venial sin, the requirements for gaining a Plenary Indulgence are the performance of the indulgenced work and fulfillment of three conditions: Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions.
2. Several Plenary Indulgences may be gained on the basis of a single Sacramental Confession; only one may be gained, however, on the basis of a single Eucharistic Communion and prayer for the Pope’s intentions.
3. The three conditions may be carried out several days preceding or following performance of the prescribed work. But it is more fitting that the Communion and the prayer for the Pope’s intentions take place on the day the work is performed.
4. If a person is not fully disposed or if the prescribed work and the three mentioned conditions are not fulfilled, the Indulgence will only be partial ...”
5. The condition requiring prayer for the Pope’s intentions is satisfied by reciting once the Our Father and Hail Mary for his intentions (Pater Noster and Ave Maria); nevertheless all the faithful have the option of reciting any other prayer suited to their own piety and devotion.”
- Handbook of Indulgences, Norms

More info can be found at the U.S. site for the
Militia of the Immaculata at Marytown

I'm not sure if there is a plenary indulgence for those who are consecrated to Mary according to Saint Louis de Montfort's formula. Maybe some readers would know (and if so, could provide sources).


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Miter of Pope Pius IX depicting the Immaculate Conception

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Deus, qui per immaculátam Vírginis Conceptiónem dignum Fílio tuo habitáculum præparásti, quaésumus, ut, qui ex morte eiúsdem Fílii tui prævísa, eam ab omni labe præservásti, nos quoque mundos, eius intercessióne, ad te perveníre concédas.Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, you prepared the Virgin Mary to be the worthy mother of your Son. You let her share beforehand in the salvation Christ would bring by his death, and kept her sinless from the first moment of her conception. Help us by her prayers to live in your presence without sin.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O God, Who through the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin prepared a worthy dwelling for Your Son, we beseech You, that, as by the same Son’s anticipated death, You preserved her from all stain, You may also grant to us, through her intercession, to be cleansed of our sin, and to come unto You.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Salutárem hóstiam, quam in sollemnitáte immaculátæ Conceptiónis beátæ Vírginis Maríæ tibi, Dómine, offérimus, súscipe dignánter, et præsta, ut, sicut illam tua grátia præveniénte ab omni labe profitémur immúnem, ita, eius intercessióne, a culpis ómnibus liberémur.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, accept this sacrifice on the feast of the sinless Virgin Mary. You kept her free from sin from the first moment of her life. Help us by her prayers, and free us from our sins.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
O Lord, kindly accept this saving Victim, Which we offer to You on this solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and grant, that, as we profess her being preserved from all stain through Your surpassing grace, so also, through her intercession, may we be freed from all our faults.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface of the Immaculate Conception - on the Mystery of Mary and the Church

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Qui, beatíssimam Vírginem Maríam ab omni originális culpæ labe præservásti, ut in ea, grátiæ tuæ plenitúdine ditáta, dignam Fílio tuo Genetrícem præparáres, et Sponsæ eius Ecclésiæ, sine ruga vel mácula formosæ, signáres exórdium.
Fílium enim erat puríssima Virgo datúra, qui crímina nostra Agnus ínnocens aboléret; et ipsam præ ómnibus tuo pópulo disponébas advocátam grátiæ et sanctitátis exémplar.
Et ídeo, choris Angélicis sociáti, te laudámus in gáudio confiténtes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.
You allowed no stain of Adam’s sin to touch the Virgin Mary. Full of grace, she was to be a worthy mother of your Son, your sign of favor to the Church at its beginning, and the promise of its perfection as the bride of Christ, radian in beauty.
Purest of virgins, she was to bring forth your Son, the innocent lamb who takes away our sins. You chose her from all women to be our advocate with you and our pattern of holiness.
In our joy we sing to your glory with all the choirs of angels:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God:
You preserved the most Blessed Virgin Mary from all stain of original sin, so that in her, enriched with the fullness of Your grace, You were preparing her as the worthy Mother of Your Son, and of His Spouse the Church, without wrinkle or stain to her beauty, You sealed her from the beginning.
For she was the most pure Virgin about to bring forth Your Son, the innocent Lamb Who destroys our offenses; and You arranged for her to be an advocate for Your people as an example of grace and holiness in the sight of all.
And so, with the choirs of the host of Angels, we praise You in joy professing:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Sacraménta quæ súmpsimus, Dómine Deus noster, illíus in nobis culpæ vúlnera réparent, a qua immaculátam beátæ Maríæ Conceptiónem singuláriter præservásti.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Lord our God, in your love, you chose the Virgin Mary and kept her free from sin. May this sacrament of your love free us from our sins.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. O Lord our God, may the Sacraments Which we have received heal in us the wounds of that original sin, from which You singularly preserved the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Mary.
Through Christ our Lord.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Saint Leontia

Ted from Canada had emailed me asking about a Saint Leontia in my list of Saints I visted on my last pilgrimage to Rome.

What can you tell me about Saint Leontia, and is this
the individual buried in San Francesco a Ripa Church in
Trastevere, Rome?

Yes, the Saint referred to in my list is a martyr buried in San Francesco a Ripa.

Saint Leontia at San Francesco a Ripa in Rome

I honestly cannot confirm much about her. There is a Saint Leontia in the Roman Martyrology, and her feast day is today, December 6th. However, I am not sure if the Saint in the Martyrology is the same as the Saint shown above.

The entry is:

In Africa sancti Majórici, fílii sanctæ Dionysiæ, qui, cum esset adolescéntulus ac torménta pavésceret, matris obtútibus verbísque corroborátus est, et, céteris fórtior factus, in torméntis ánimam réddidit; quem amplexáta mater domi sepelívit, et ad ejus sepúlcrum assídue oráre consuévit.
Ibídem sanctárum mulíerum Dionysiæ, quæ sancti Majórici Mártyris éxstitit mater, Datívæ ac Leóntiæ; itémque religiósi viri, nómine Tértii, Æmiliáni médici, et Bonifátii, cum áliis tribus. Hi omnes, in persecutióne Wandálica, sub Ariáno Rege Hunneríco, gravíssimis et innúmeris supplíciis pro cathólicæ fídei defensióne cruciáti, sanctórum Christi Confessórum número sociári meruérunt.

In Africa, St. Majoricus, son of St. Dionysia, who, being quite young and dreading the torments, was strengthened by the looks and words of his mother, and becoming stronger than the rest, expired in torments. His mother took him in her arms, and having buried him in her own home, was wont to pray diligently at his tomb.
In the same place, the holy women Dionysia, who was the mother of St. Majoricus the martyr, Dativa, and Leontia; also a pious man named Tertius, Emilian a physician, Boniface, and three others. In the persecution of the Vandals, under the Arian king Hunneric, they were subjected to numberless most painful tortures for the Catholic faith, and thus merited to rank among the confessors of Christ.
- from's Roman Maryrology pages
(Sorry, it's a good site for the old martyrology, but the site is run by sedevacantists).

Yet, the Saint Leontia at San Francesco a Ripa may be a little obscure Roman Martyr who, although not much was know about her life, was known to have been martyried for the faith.

The only other possible hint may be on the name plate on her tomb. It says: "CORPUS.S.LEONTIAE MART.NOM.PR."

click picture to embiggen

I'm not really sure what the "NOM.PR." part means.

So, if anyone has more information on this Saint Leontia buried in San Francesco a Ripa in Rome, I'd appreciate you letting me know. Otherwise, we'll assume this is the same Saint mentioned in the Roman Martyrology.

And also, happy feast of Saint Nicholas.


Friday, December 05, 2008

Comparison of Prayers - 2nd Sunday of Advent

"Preaching of Saint John the Baptist" (detail) by Bartolomeus Greenergh

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, in tui occúrsum Fílii festinántes nulla ópera terréni actus impédiant, sed sapiéntiæ cæléstis erudítio nos fáciat eius esse consórtes.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat, in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy, so that we may share his wisdom and become one with him when he comes in glory,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Almighty and Merciful God, may no works of worldly deeds ensnare those hurrying to meet Your Son, but may the learning of Heavenly wisdom make us to be co-heirs of Him.
Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Prayer Over the Gifts

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Placáre, Dómine, quaésumus, nostræ précibus humilitátis et hóstiis, et, ubi nulla súppetunt suffrágia meritórum, tuæ nobis indulgéntiæ succúrre præsídiis.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, we are nothing without you. As you sustain us with your mercy, receive our prayers and offerings.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Be appeased, we beseech You, O Lord, by the prayers and sacrificial offerings of our humility, and, where the support of our merits is insufficient, help us with the aid of Your forgiveness.
Through Christ our Lord.

Preface I of Advent: On the two comings of Christ

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salútare, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus: per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Qui, primo advéntu in humilitáte carnis assúmptæ, dispositiónis antíquæ munus implévit, nobísque salútis perpétuæ trámitem reserávit: ut, cum secúndo vénerit in suæ glória maiestátis, manifésto demum múnere capiámus, quod vigilántes nunc audémus expectáre promíssum.
Et ídeo cum Angelis et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Dominatiónibus, cumque omni milítia cæléstis exércitus, hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus, sine fine dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ...

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When he humbled himself to come among us as a man, he fulfilled the plan you formed long ago and opened for us the way to salvation. Now we watch for the day, hoping that the salvation promised us will be ours when Christ our Lord will come again in his glory.
And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven we proclaim your glory and join in their unending hymn of praise:
Holy, holy, holy ...

My Own Literal Translation
It is truly right and just, proper and availing unto salvation, that we always and everywhere give thanks to You, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God: through Christ our Lord.
Who, in His first coming in the lowliness of assumed flesh, fulfilled the work of Your ancient arrangement, and opened to us the path to eternal salvation: so that, when He will come again in the Glory of His Majesty, we may then indeed openly take hold of that gift, a promise which we now dare to await with vigilance.
And so, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and Dominations, and with all the host of the Heavenly Army, we sing the hymn of Your Glory, saying without end:
Holy, Holy, Holy ...

Post-Communion Prayer

Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Repléti cibo spiritális alimóniæ, súpplices te, Dómine, deprecámur, ut, huius participatióne mystérii, dóceas nos terréna sapiénter perpéndere, et cæléstibus inhærére.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Father, you give us food from heaven. By our sharing in this mystery, teach us to judge wisely the things of earth and to love the things of heaven.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Having been filled with this Food of spiritual nourishment, we humbly beseech You, O Lord, that, through our participation in this Mystery, You may teach us to examine wisely the things of this world, and to cling to heavenly things.
Through Christ our Lord.