What can you tell me about Saint Leontia, and is this
the individual buried in San Francesco a Ripa Church in
Trastevere, Rome?
Yes, the Saint referred to in my list is a martyr buried in San Francesco a Ripa.
I honestly cannot confirm much about her. There is a Saint Leontia in the Roman Martyrology, and her feast day is today, December 6th. However, I am not sure if the Saint in the Martyrology is the same as the Saint shown above.
The entry is:
In Africa sancti Majórici, fílii sanctæ Dionysiæ, qui, cum esset adolescéntulus ac torménta pavésceret, matris obtútibus verbísque corroborátus est, et, céteris fórtior factus, in torméntis ánimam réddidit; quem amplexáta mater domi sepelívit, et ad ejus sepúlcrum assídue oráre consuévit.- from breviary.net's Roman Maryrology pages
Ibídem sanctárum mulíerum Dionysiæ, quæ sancti Majórici Mártyris éxstitit mater, Datívæ ac Leóntiæ; itémque religiósi viri, nómine Tértii, Æmiliáni médici, et Bonifátii, cum áliis tribus. Hi omnes, in persecutióne Wandálica, sub Ariáno Rege Hunneríco, gravíssimis et innúmeris supplíciis pro cathólicæ fídei defensióne cruciáti, sanctórum Christi Confessórum número sociári meruérunt.
In Africa, St. Majoricus, son of St. Dionysia, who, being quite young and dreading the torments, was strengthened by the looks and words of his mother, and becoming stronger than the rest, expired in torments. His mother took him in her arms, and having buried him in her own home, was wont to pray diligently at his tomb.
In the same place, the holy women Dionysia, who was the mother of St. Majoricus the martyr, Dativa, and Leontia; also a pious man named Tertius, Emilian a physician, Boniface, and three others. In the persecution of the Vandals, under the Arian king Hunneric, they were subjected to numberless most painful tortures for the Catholic faith, and thus merited to rank among the confessors of Christ.
(Sorry, it's a good site for the old martyrology, but the site is run by sedevacantists).
Yet, the Saint Leontia at San Francesco a Ripa may be a little obscure Roman Martyr who, although not much was know about her life, was known to have been martyried for the faith.
The only other possible hint may be on the name plate on her tomb. It says: "CORPUS.S.LEONTIAE MART.NOM.PR."
I'm not really sure what the "NOM.PR." part means.
So, if anyone has more information on this Saint Leontia buried in San Francesco a Ripa in Rome, I'd appreciate you letting me know. Otherwise, we'll assume this is the same Saint mentioned in the Roman Martyrology.
And also, happy feast of Saint Nicholas.
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