It addresses things like:
- Embryonic and adult stem cell research
- Contraception, especially oral contraceptives
- Receiving vaccines which were derived from aborted fetuses
- In vitro fertilization and test tube babies.
- Frozen embryos.
- Gene therapy
- Human cloning
The document can be found here:
Dignitatis Personae (The Dignity of a Person) at the USCCB website. (document in pdf format)
A VERY important document for our times. President-elect Obama needs to read this if he's as open minded as he says he is.
It's also Providential to find the document on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is the patroness of the unborn and who helped convert a nation which practiced human sacrifice. Maybe this document can be a help in converting our own nation of the Untied States from it's human sacrifice of abortion and euthanasia.
Our Lady of Guadlupe, ora pro nobis!

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