Monday, August 04, 2008

I may have a vocation to this order

"The Dormition of the Virgin" by Andreas Ritzos

As I was digging around on the internet, I came across this order which I had never heard of before:

The Canons Regular of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (O.Dorm.) are that rarity, an enclosed, purely contemplative order of men. While they naturally hide from the world, some description of their unique vocation, according to the Regula Patrum Soporificum, may be of interest.

(The Order ought not be confused with the Assumptionist Fathers, who follow the Augustinian Rule, and are named for Our Lady's transferral body and soul into heavenly bliss. The Falling Asleep (dormitio, koimêsis) of the Blessed Virgin is the older name, common to East and West, for Holy Mary's sacred and everlasting repose in the Lord.)

The full article has much more detail about their life.

The Dormitionists

I think they might be a natural fit for my temperment and activity level. I'm going to go write to the vocations direcetor right after my nap!



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