Friday, October 05, 2007

A Voice For My Generation

Wow! Talk about serendipty. I have known about Father Phillip Powell,OP's blog, and have always thought his homilies were good when I read them, but I happened to be looking at another blog that I had never heard of (thanks, Cathy_of_Alex!)and she had a link to this homily by Father Phillip:

Kids These Days: What they don't want from the Church

What he said articulated so well what my generation (I'm almost 35 years old) and apparently the current generation have felt all our lives, especially in relation to the Church ... or I should say many older members of the Church (the Church Herself has never preached the false teachings we've often been fed, just some of Her members).

Anyway, the post is a must read! It is what gives me hope when I see stupid articles like the one from the dinosaur Father Richard McBrien:

Pay no attention to the Pope

Guess, what Father McBrien? We know you are full of crap, and hardly anyone takes you seriously anymore!



  1. "Pay no attention to the Pope..."

    I think McBrien meant "Pay no attention to the Pope behind the curtain."


  2. R.S.,

    Thanks for the link and the kind that I know how to add links (i.e. without the help of my twenty-something intern) I will add you to my site.

    God bless, Fr. Philip, OP


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