"Appearance While the Apostles are at Table"
by Duccio di Buoninsegna
by Duccio di Buoninsegna
Collect (Opening Prayer)
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Fac nos, omnípotens Deus, hos lætítiæ dies, quos in honórem Dómini resurgéntis exséquimur, afféctu sédulo celebráre, ut quod recordatióne percúrrimus semper in ópere teneámus.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia saécula sæculórum.
Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Ever-living God, help us to celebrate our joy in the resurrection of the Lord and to express in our lives the love we celebrate.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Almighty God, make us to celebrate these days of joy which we have been carrying out with a zealous affection in honor of the risen Lord, so that that Which we hasten towards in this Remembrance, we may always maintain in deed.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Prayer Over the Gifts
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Ascéndant ad te, Dómine, preces nostræ cum oblatiónibus hostiárum, ut, tua dignatióne mundáti, sacraméntis magnæ pietátis aptémur.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Lord, accept our prayers and offerings. Make us worthy of your sacraments of love by granting us your forgiveness.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
My Own Literal Translation
Let our prayers rise up to You, O Lord, with these sacrificial offerings, so that, through Your desire to make us pure, we may receive this great Sacrament of worship.
Through Christ our Lord.
Post-Communion Prayer
Official Latin from the 1969 & 2002 Roman Missals
Orémus. Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui ad ætérnam vitam in Christi resurrectióne nos réparas, fructum in nobis paschális multíplica sacraménti, et fortitúdinem cibi salutáris nostris infúnde pectóribus.
Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Official 1973 I.C.E.L. Translation (Used at Mass in English)
Let us pray. Almighty and ever-living Lord, you restored us to life by raising Christ from death. Strengthen us by this Easter sacrament; may we feel its saving power in our daily life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
My Own Literal Translation
Let us pray. Almighty and Eternal God, Who restored us to eternal life in the Resurrection of Christ, increase in us the fruits of this Paschal Sacrifice, and pour into our hearts the strength of this Saving Food.
Through Christ our Lord.
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