Thursday, February 22, 2007

Reading List

I just added a reading list to the sidebar with the hope that maybe I will make a little more effort to get through them now that everyone will see how long they will be on there.

I tend to read several books at at time. Picking up whichever one I am in the mood to read at the time. I also have an idea to start reading the Bible, more as a book than trying to go through it slowly and reflectively. I figure it might at least get me through it and then I can go back and focus certain areas. We'll see if that works.

So far, I have been reading "A Canticle for Leibowitz" and San Carlo de Sezze's "Autobiography" most consistantly.
"The Rule of the Master" is very interesting since it appears to be the biggest source for Saint Benedict when he wrote his Rule.
"Theology and Sanity" is a great Theology book, but it is pretty heavy. It is supposed to have one of the best explainations of the Holy Trinity, but when you get into deep dogmatic theology like that, you really have to work your intellect.
"The Prayer of the Presence of God" and "My Spirit Rejoices" are good, but I am having trouble getting into them. I haven't picked those up in awhile now. Still, I do want to get through them.


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