Friday, December 01, 2006
Most odd liturgical term
I read the most odd liturgical term in the Vatican Information Service daily newsletter, and it was written by Pope Benedict XVI:
"primordial nucleus"
as in: "Sundays," writes the Pope, "remain the fundamental seedbed and the primordial nucleus of the liturgical year; ... a fragment of time pervaded by eternity, because its dawn saw the Risen Christ enter victoriously into eternal life."
Sounds more like biology than liturgy. I guess it is true that Pope Benedict is wanting to make more organic changes to the liturgy. LOL. ;)
Interestingly enough, if you google "primordial nucleus" you'll get articles about: cosmology and the big bang, prenatal development, and the excitation of atomic nuclei in nuclear physics.
Who said science and faith are separate!
If you look at the definition of the two words seperate it makes a little more sense?
having existed from the beginning;
part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction