This is for those who say the current Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours).
I am not sure why there is a difference, but in the Latin beviaries, there are different antiphons for the Gospel Canticles (Magnificiat and Canticle of Zecharia) for years A, B, and C. These are usually based on the readings, especially the Gospel, of that year.
I am not sure if this is because they were added to the Latin when it was reprinted in 2000 or if I.C.E.L. just never bothered to translate all the antiphons.
I hope to do this weekly as well, but since Saturdays are one of my busiest days of the week, I am not sure how regular I will be.
Here is the Latin from Latin breviary and my quick translation (pardon any errors).
Vespers I (Evening Prayer I)
Magníficat Antiphon Year B
Dum transíret Dóminus per médios fines Tyrí, addúcunt ei surdum et mutum, et deprecántur eum ut impónat il manum.
(Then the Lord went from Tyre, and they led to Him a deaf and mute man, and they begged Him to lay His hand on him.)
Lauds (Morning Prayer)
Canticle of Zecharia Year B
Suspíciens Iesus in cælum ignémuit et ait surdo et muto: Effetha, quod est: Adaperíre.
(Looking up to Heaven Jesus groaned and said to the deaf and mute man: “Effetha” which is “be opened”)
Vespers II (Evening Prayer II)
Magnificat Antiphon Year B
Bene ómnia fecit, et surdos facit aud’ire et mutos loqui.
(He has done everything well, and he makes the deaf hear and the mute speak)
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